The Wing of Goodness
Each president who hands the Club regalia to the next president thinks about good, meaningful and memorable things that were brought to all members of the club during the previous year. We evaluate what was good and what was not.
We treat some things like failures, even though others would like to have it, and other things, on the contrary, we overrate. Actually, there are no victories or defeats. There are only our attitudes towards life situations. Everything can be wonderful, if we know how to appreciate the outcomes of our work. In 2010, in the event of LNK Television project Gerumo Sparnas, the activity of Klaipėda County Women’s LIONS Club Smiltė was nominated to receive the “Gerumo Sparnas” award. Therefore, the noble and respectable work of our members was noticed. On 12 of March, during the live show, Klaipėda County Women’s LIONS Club Smiltė was awarded with “Gerumo Sparnas”.
It is great recognition of our work. The most important event of the year, the charity auction "Sušildykime Mažąsias Širdeles” is always followed by the Angel. It looks at us from the painting, frozen in a monument or melting in water colours. Every day, we manage to call the Angel.
To raise the feather of hope from its wings to sick children. When during the TV show the president of the club Virginija Lazauskienė raised the “Gerumo Sparnas” award in her hands, all 24 Sisters of Smiltė felt pride and the increased value of their work.
It is good to be appreciated.
PDG 131, Melvin Jones Fellow
President of the Club 2014-15
Aida - Raimonda Pečeliūnienė
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